Every parent knows that at some point in a child’s life, rules are tested. Some of the rules you lay might be bent, others broken. Same is true for the rule that falls on deaf ears; no food or drinks on the carpet. That is why there is now a bright purple, red, blue or orange stain glaring you in the face. Your rule was broken, and the evidence is clear. But worry not, after you have your tantrum, your spat of anger and then the time-out consequence is applied, you can tend to the kool-aid carpet stain, while all the while feeling bad for punishing the love of your life.
ADC Carpet Cleaning relates some tips and methods on removing the unsightly spot from off your carpet.
Method #1 to Remove Kool-Aid Stains from Carpet
1. It is crucial to act on the stain as quickly as possible, even if you have to experience the waves of emotion while doing so. Start by gently blotting the excess liquid with a plain white paper towel. Do not scrub or rub, just blot the up the moisture and repeat until the spot is barely damp.
2. Combine 1 cup of warm water (do not use HOT) and ½ tsp mild liquid dish soap. Be sure the formula is well mixed. A spray bottle works well, but a bowl will do.
3. Generously apply solution to the carpet, but do not over saturate. Starting from the outside working into the center, use a clean white cloth to begin blotting the up the kool-aid.
4. If stain persists, mix together 2 cups water with 1 cup white vinegar.
5. Apply the new solution onto the stain, do not over saturate, and blot the stain with a white cloth.
6. If the stain continues to be obvious, mix 1 cup water with 1 tbsp ammonia, but do know the ammonia has the ability to lighten the carpets original color.
7. Once stain is successfully lifted, apply clear water to rinse away residue, and towel dry.
8. After the area is fully dry, vacuum.
Method #2 to Remove Kool-Aid Stains from Carpet
1. Blot the excess kool-aid liquid with plain white paper towels.
2. Apply a generous amount of club soda all over the stain.
3. Blot the stain away.
4. Rinse with cool water and the blotting technique.
5. Dry the area thoroughly.
Carpet Cleaning Notes:
– When dealing with any stains be sure to always conduct a patch test on any premade commercial product or homemade remedy solution in an inconspicuous area to ensure the chemical agents or ingredients do not compromise the integrity or color of your carpet’s fibers.
– Never use hot water to remove stains, as doing so could set in the stain making impossible to remove.
– Use white cloths, towels or paper towels to contend with stains, as dyes or printed designs could transfer onto the carpet.
Professional Carpet Cleaning, Stain & Odor Removal in Leesburg, Ashburn, Herndon, Winchester, Stephens City VA, Frederick, Loudoun, Fairfax Counties Virginia | Martinsburg, Eastern Panhandle, Berkeley and Jefferson Counties WV | Hagerstown Maryland
If you should find stains too stubborn to remove, or you don’t have the time, confidence or products needed; call in the experts. ADC Carpet Cleaning Specialists experienced technicians can remove nearly any stubborn stain. Call us today to schedule your appointment!